第91章 M国演唱会3(1 / 2)

苏琏再次上台,蓝色西装,不是贵公子,而是一位深情先生。深情演绎一首耳熟能详的take  to your heart送给所有的观众。

“give  your hand before i039 od ,sho  hat ove is haven039t t a ce e039re ony here today ,ove is no or never

g  far aay take  to your heart,take  to your u,give  your hand and hod  ”


“y ife is

iiant ,y ove is ure i sa an an of that i039 sure she sied at  on the subay ,she as ith another an but i on039t ose no see on that ,cae i039ve t a n you039re beautifu , you039re beautifu ,you039re beautifu it039s true ”

苏琏穿着休闲服,一身阳光的打扮,身边还有一群伴舞的青春少女。对着领舞的金发女郎,苏琏动情演唱,似乎真的是一见钟情,she is beautifu

“i sa your fa a croded ce ,and i don039t kno hat to do,cae i039 never be ith you yes she caught y eye ,as i aked on by ,she ud see fro y face that i as fyg high and i don039t thk that i039 see her aga ,but e shared a ont that i st ti the end you039re beautifu ,you039re beautifu ,you039re beautifu it039s true ”








